Transactions can be declined for many reasons, including a card being reported as lost, card expiration, or invalid data supplied by the merchant.

By mapping the decline codes from various PSPs to a list of categories, Sift’s global models can learn which types of declines are strong fraud indicators, and which have no signal.

This guide explains the guidelines for mapping PSP codes to a decline category, and provides mappings for Adyen, Stripe, Braintree, WePay, CyberSource, and

Use $decline_category to indicate the category of a transaction decline sent by the PSP. Only send this field when $transaction_status is $failure. Sending for transactions with status $success, $pending or when it is empty will result in error.

Guidelines for Mapping

Decline_CategoryGuideline for mapping from PSP code
fraudAnything designated as fraud by the PSP or bank.
lost_or_stolenCard has been reported lost or stolen. Put “Pickup card” codes here as well.
riskyFlagged by some risk indicator, but not confirmed fraud.
bank_declineIssuer declined.
invalid Anything relating to missing or incorrect information supplied by consumer, unless the incorrect information is a verification step (PIN, CVC, AVS).

Anything related to unsupported requests.
expiredCard is expired
insufficient_fundsTransaction requires more funds than is available
limit_exceededTransaction amount, number of tries, or withdrawal count limit exceeded. Expected risk factor.
additional_verification_required Authorization step required before transaction can go through. Includes requesting PIN or CVV, AVS check.
invalid_verificationAuthorization has not been successful. Includes failed CVV, PIN, revoked or timed-out auth.
otherCatchall excluded from learning (assume no signal). Includes:

  • Duplicate transaction
  • Cancelled transaction
  • Errors
  • Do not honor
  • Invalid data entry
  • Unsupported
  • Generic decline

Mappings: PSP decline codes to Sift $decline_category

We’ve mapped decline codes from major PSPs to Sift decline categories to make integrating $decline_category easier.


Adyen Decline Code Documentation

Sift Decline CategoryCodeNameDescription
other4ERRORAcquirer Error
other5BLOCK_CARDBlocked Card
expired6CARD_EXPIREDExpired Card
invalid7INVALID_AMOUNTInvalid Amount
invalid8INVALID_CARD_NUMBERInvalid Card Number
other9ISSUER_UNAVAILABLEIssuer Unavailable
invalid10NOT_SUPPORTEDNot supported
invalid_verification11NOT_3D_AUTHENTICATED3D Not Authenticated
insufficient_funds12NOT_ENOUGH_BALANCENot enough balance
risky14ACQUIRER_FRAUDAcquirer Fraud
other16SHOPPER_CANCELLEDShopper Cancelled
invalid_verification17INVALID_PINInvalid Pin
limit_exceeded18PIN_TRIES_EXCEEDEDPin tries exceeded
other19PIN_VALIDATION_NOT_POSSIBLEPin validation not possible
other21NOT_SUBMITTEDNot Submitted
other23TRANSACTION_NOT_PERMITTEDTransaction Not Permitted
invalid_verification24CVC_DECLINEDCVC Declined
other25RESTRICTED_CARDRestricted Card
invalid_verification26REVOCATION_OF_AUTHRevocation Of Auth
other27DECLINED_NON_GENERICDeclined Non Generic
limit_exceeded28WITHDRAWAL_AMOUNT_EXCEEDEDWithdrawal amount exceeded
limit_exceeded29WITHDRAWAL_COUNT_EXCEEDEDWithdrawal count exceeded
other30AMOUNT_PARTIALLY_APPROVEDAmount partially approved
invalid_verification31ISSUER_SUSPECTED_FRAUDIssuer Suspected Fraud
invalid_verification32AVS_DECLINEDAVS Declined
additional_verification_required33PIN_REQUIREDCard requires online pin
invalid34NO_CHECKING_ACCOUNT_AVAILABLE_ON_CARDNo checking account available on Card
invalid35NO_SAVINGS_ACCOUNT_AVAILABLE_ON_CARDNo savings account available on Card
additional_verification_required36MOBILE_PIN_REQUIREDMobile PIN required
other37CONTACTLESS_FALLBACKContactless fallback
additional_verification_required38AUTHENTICATION_REQUIREDAuthentication required


Stripe Decline Code Documentation

Sift Decline CategoryCodeDescription
additional_verification_requiredauthentication_requiredThe card was declined as the transaction requires authentication.
additional_verification_requiredapprove_with_idThe payment cannot be authorized.
othercall_issuerThe card has been declined for an unknown reason.
invalidcard_not_supportedThe card does not support this type of purchase.
limit_exceededcard_velocity_exceededThe customer has exceeded the balance or credit limit available on their card.
invalidcurrency_not_supportedThe card does not support the specified currency.
otherdo_not_honorThe card has been declined for an unknown reason.
otherdo_not_try_againThe card has been declined for an unknown reason.
invalidduplicate_transactionA transaction with identical amount and credit card information was submitted very recently.
expiredexpired_cardThe card has expired.
fraudfraudulentThe payment has been declined as Stripe suspects it is fraudulent.
othergeneric_declineThe card has been declined for an unknown reason.
invalidincorrect_numberThe card number is incorrect.
invalid_verificationincorrect_cvcThe CVC number is incorrect.
invalid_verificationincorrect_pinThe PIN entered is incorrect. This decline code only applies to payments made with a card reader.
invalidincorrect_zipThe ZIP/postal code is incorrect.
insufficient_fundsinsufficient_fundsThe card has insufficient funds to complete the purchase.
invalidinvalid_accountThe card, or account the card is connected to, is invalid.
invalidinvalid_amountThe payment amount is invalid, or exceeds the amount that is allowed.
invalid_verificationinvalid_cvcThe CVC number is incorrect.
invalidinvalid_expiry_yearThe expiration year invalid.
invalidinvalid_numberThe card number is incorrect.
invalid_verificationinvalid_pinThe PIN entered is incorrect. This decline code only applies to payments made with a card reader.
otherissuer_not_availableThe card issuer could not be reached, so the payment could not be authorized.
lost_or_stolenlost_cardThe payment has been declined because the card is reported lost.
riskymerchant_blacklistThe payment has been declined because it matches a value on the Stripe user's block list.
othernew_account_information_availableThe card, or account the card is connected to, is invalid.
otherno_action_takenThe card has been declined for an unknown reason.
othernot_permittedThe payment is not permitted.
additional_verification_requiredoffline_pin_requiredThe card has been declined as it requires a PIN.
additional_verification_requiredonline_or_offline_pin_requiredThe card has been declined as it requires a PIN.
lost_or_stolenpickup_cardThe card cannot be used to make this payment (it is possible it has been reported lost or stolen).
limit_exceededpin_try_exceededThe allowable number of PIN tries has been exceeded.
invalidprocessing_errorAn error occurred while processing the card.
invalidreenter_transactionThe payment could not be processed by the issuer for an unknown reason.
riskyrestricted_cardThe card cannot be used to make this payment (it is possible it has been reported lost or stolen).
invalid_verificationrevocation_of_all_authorizationsThe card has been declined for an unknown reason.
invalid_verificationrevocation_of_authorizationThe card has been declined for an unknown reason.
othersecurity_violationThe card has been declined for an unknown reason.
otherservice_not_allowedThe card has been declined for an unknown reason.
lost_or_stolenstolen_cardThe payment has been declined because the card is reported stolen.
otherstop_payment_orderThe card has been declined for an unknown reason.
othertestmode_declineA Stripe test card number was used.
othertransaction_not_allowedThe card has been declined for an unknown reason.
othertry_again_laterThe card has been declined for an unknown reason.
limit_exceededwithdrawal_count_limit_exceededThe customer has exceeded the balance or credit limit available on their card.


Wepay Decline Code Documentation

Sift Decline CategoryCodeDescription
invalid_verification2001The AVS check on the payment failed (invalid billing address).
invalid2002The card type is not supported by the Merchant.
invalid2003The issuing bank indicated that the card is not supported.
bank_decline2004The issuing bank declined the charge but did not tell us why (generally due to a fraud check on their side).
insufficient_funds2005The payment method does not have sufficient funds to make the payment.
lost_or_stolen2006The card has been lost or stolen.
expired2007The card has expired (some issuing banks don’t care though and we only care if they do).
invalid2008Some of the card data was invalid (CVV, expiration date, card number, name on card).
invalid2009The credit_card object is in an invalid state for that action.


Braintree Decline Code Documentation

Sift Decline CategoryCodeNameDescription
other2000Do Not HonorThe customer's bank is unwilling to accept the transaction. The customer will need to contact their bank for more details regarding this generic decline.
insufficient_funds2001Insufficient FundsThe account did not have sufficient funds to cover the transaction amount at the time of the transaction – subsequent attempts at a later date may be successful.
limit_exceeded2002Limit ExceededThe attempted transaction exceeds the withdrawal limit of the account. The customer will need to contact their bank to change the account limits or use a different payment method.
limit_exceeded2003Cardholder's Activity Limit ExceededThe attempted transaction exceeds the activity limit of the account. The customer will need to contact their bank to change the account limits or use a different payment method.
expired2004Expired CardCard is expired. The customer will need to use a different payment method.
invalid2005Invalid Credit Card NumberThe customer entered an invalid payment method or made a typo in their credit card information. Have the customer correct their payment information and attempt the transaction again – if the decline persists, they will need to contact their bank.
invalid2006Invalid Expiration DateThe customer entered an invalid payment method or made a typo in their card expiration date. Have the customer correct their payment information and attempt the transaction again – if the decline persists, they will need to contact their bank.
invalid2007No AccountThe submitted card number is not on file with the card-issuing bank. The customer will need to contact their bank.
invalid2008Card Account Length ErrorThe submitted card number does not include the proper number of digits. Have the customer attempt the transaction again – if the decline persists, the customer will need to contact their bank.
invalid2009No Such IssuerThis decline code could indicate that the submitted card number does not correlate to an existing card-issuing bank or that there is a connectivity error with the issuer. The customer will need to contact their bank for more information.
invalid_verification2010Card Issuer Declined CVVThe customer entered in an invalid security code or made a typo in their card information. Have the customer attempt the transaction again – if the decline persists, the customer will need to contact their bank.
additional_verification_required2011Voice Authorization RequiredThe customer’s bank is requesting that the merchant (you) call to obtain a special authorization code in order to complete this transaction. This can result in a lengthy process – we recommend obtaining a new payment method instead. Contact us for more details.
lost_or_stolen2012Processor Declined – Possible Lost CardThe card used has likely been reported as lost. The customer will need to contact their bank for more information.
lost_or_stolen2013Processor Declined – Possible Stolen CardThe card used has likely been reported as stolen. The customer will need to contact their bank for more information.
bank_decline2014Processor Declined – Fraud SuspectedThe customer’s bank suspects fraud – they will need to contact their bank for more information.
bank_decline2015Transaction Not AllowedThe customer's bank is declining the transaction for unspecified reasons, possibly due to an issue with the card itself. They will need to contact their bank or use a different payment method.
other2016Duplicate TransactionThe submitted transaction appears to be a duplicate of a previously submitted transaction and was declined to prevent charging the same card twice for the same service.
other2017Cardholder Stopped BillingThe customer requested a cancellation of a single transaction – reach out to them for more information.
other2018Cardholder Stopped All BillingThe customer requested the cancellation of a recurring transaction or subscription – reach out to them for more information.
invalid2019Invalid TransactionThe customer’s bank declined the transaction, typically because the card in question does not support this type of transaction – for example, the customer used an FSA debit card for a non-healthcare related purchase. They will need to contact their bank for more information.
other2020ViolationThe customer will need to contact their bank for more information.
bank_decline2021Security ViolationThe customer's bank is declining the transaction, possibly due to a fraud concern. They will need to contact their bank or use a different payment method.
lost_or_stolen2022Declined – Updated Cardholder AvailableThe submitted card has expired or been reported lost and a new card has been issued. Reach out to your customer to obtain updated card information.
invalid2023Processor Does Not Support This FeatureYour account can't process transactions with the intended feature – for example, 3D Secure or Level 2/Level 3 data. If you believe your merchant account should be set up to accept this type of transaction, contact us.
invalid2024Card Type Not EnabledYour account can't process the attempted card type. If you believe your merchant account should be set up to accept this type of card, contact us for assistance.
invalid2025Set Up Error – MerchantDepending on your region, this response could indicate a connectivity or setup issue. Contact us for more information regarding this error message.
invalid2026Invalid Merchant IDThe customer’s bank declined the transaction, typically because the card in question does not support this type of transaction. If this response persists across transactions for multiple customers, it could indicate a connectivity or setup issue. Contact us for more information regarding this error message.
invalid2027Set Up Error – AmountThis rare decline code indicates an issue with processing the amount of the transaction. The customer will need to contact their bank for more details.
invalid2028Set Up Error – HierarchyThere is a setup issue with your account. Contact us for more information.
invalid2029Set Up Error – CardThis response generally indicates that there is a problem with the submitted card. The customer will need to use a different payment method.
invalid2030Set Up Error – TerminalThere is a setup issue with your account. Contact us for more information.
invalid2031Encryption ErrorThe cardholder’s bank does not support $0.00 card verifications. Enable the Retry All Failed $0 option to resolve this error. Contact us with questions.
other2032Surcharge Not PermittedSurcharge amount not permitted on this card. The customer will need to use a different payment method.
invalid2033Inconsistent DataAn error occurred when communicating with the processor. The customer will need to contact their bank for more details.
other2034No Action TakenAn error occurred and the intended transaction was not completed. Attempt the transaction again.
limit_exceeded2035Partial Approval For Amount In Group III VersionThe customer's bank approved the transaction for less than the requested amount. Have the customer attempt the transaction again – if the decline persists, the customer will need to use a different payment method.
invalid_verification2036Authorization could not be foundAn error occurred when trying to process the authorization. This response could indicate an issue with the customer’s card or that the processor doesn't allow this action – contact us for more information.
other2037Already ReversedThe indicated authorization has already been reversed. If you believe this to be false, contact us for more information.
bank_decline2038Processor DeclinedThe customer's bank is unwilling to accept the transaction. The reasons for this response can vary – customer will need to contact their bank for more details.
invalid2039Invalid Authorization CodeThe authorization code was not found or not provided. Have the customer attempt the transaction again – if the decline persists, they will need to contact their bank.
invalid2040Invalid StoreThere may be an issue with the configuration of your account. Have the customer attempt the transaction again – if the decline persists, contact us for more information.
additional_verification_required2041Declined – Call For ApprovalThe card used for this transaction requires customer approval – they will need to contact their bank.
invalid2042Invalid Client IDThere may be an issue with the configuration of your account. Have the customer attempt the transaction again – if the decline persists, contact us for more information.
bank_decline2043Error – Do Not Retry, Call IssuerThe card-issuing bank will not allow this transaction. The customer will need to contact their bank for more information.
bank_decline2044Declined – Call IssuerThe card-issuing bank has declined this transaction. Have the customer attempt the transaction again – if the decline persists, they will need to contact their bank for more information.
invalid2045Invalid Merchant NumberThere is a setup issue with your account. Contact us for more information.
bank_decline2046DeclinedThe customer's bank is unwilling to accept the transaction. For credit/debit card transactions, the customer will need to contact their bank for more details regarding this generic decline; if this is a PayPal transaction, the customer will need to contact PayPal.
lost_or_stolen2047Call Issuer. Pick Up CardThe customer’s card has been reported as lost or stolen by the cardholder and the card-issuing bank has requested that merchants keep the card and call the number on the back to report it. As an online merchant, you don’t have the physical card and can't complete this request – obtain a different payment method from the customer.
invalid2048Invalid AmountThe authorized amount is set to zero, is unreadable, or exceeds the allowable amount. Make sure the amount is greater than zero and in a suitable format.
invalid2049Invalid SKU NumberA non-numeric value was sent with the attempted transaction. Fix errors and resubmit with the transaction with the proper SKU Number.
invalid2050Invalid Credit PlanThere may be an issue with the customer’s card or a temporary issue at the card-issuing bank. The customer will need to contact their bank for more information or use a different payment method.
invalid2051Credit Card Number does not match method of paymentThere may be an issue with the customer’s credit card or a temporary issue at the card-issuing bank. Have the customer attempt the transaction again – if the decline persists, ask for a different card or payment method.
lost_or_stolen2053Card reported as lost or stolenThe card used was reported lost or stolen. The customer will need to contact their bank for more information or use a different payment method.
limit_exceeded2054Reversal amount does not match authorization amountEither the refund amount is greater than the original transaction or the card-issuing bank does not allow partial refunds. The customer will need to contact their bank for more information or use a different payment method.
invalid2055Invalid Transaction Division NumberContact us for more information regarding this error message.
limit_exceeded2056Transaction amount exceeds the transaction division limitContact us for more information regarding this error message.
bank_decline2057Issuer or Cardholder has put a restriction on the cardThe customer will need to contact their issuing bank for more information.
invalid2058Merchant not Mastercard SecureCode enabledThe attempted card can't be processed without enabling 3D Secure for your account. Contact us for more information regarding this feature or contact the customer for a different payment method.
invalid_verification2059Address Verification FailedPayPal was unable to verify that the transaction qualifies for Seller Protection because the address was improperly formatted. The customer should contact PayPal for more information or use a different payment method.
invalid_verification2060Address Verification and Card Security Code FailedBoth the AVS and CVV checks failed for this transaction. The customer should contact PayPal for more information or use a different payment method.
invalid2061Invalid Transaction DataThere may be an issue with the customer’s card or a temporary issue at the card-issuing bank. Have the customer attempt the transaction again – if the decline persists, ask for a different card or payment method.
invalid2062Invalid Tax AmountThere may be an issue with the customer’s card or a temporary issue at the card-issuing bank. Have the customer attempt the transaction again – if the decline persists, ask for a different card or payment method.
invalid2063PayPal Business Account preference resulted in the transaction failingYou can't process this transaction because your account is set to block certain payment types, such as eChecks or foreign currencies. If you believe you have received this decline in error, contact us.
invalid2064Invalid Currency CodeThere may be an issue with the configuration of your account for the currency specified. Contact us for more information.
expired2065Refund Time Limit ExceededPayPal requires that refunds are issued within 180 days of the sale. This refund can't be successfully processed.
bank_decline2066PayPal Business Account RestrictedContact PayPal’s Support team to resolve this issue with your account. Then, you can attempt the transaction again.
invalid_verification2067Authorization ExpiredThe PayPal authorization is no longer valid.
bank_decline2068PayPal Business Account Locked or ClosedYou'll need to contact PayPal’s Support team to resolve an issue with your account. Once resolved, you can attempt to process the transaction again.
other2069PayPal Blocking Duplicate Order IDsThe submitted PayPal transaction appears to be a duplicate of a previously submitted transaction. This decline code indicates an attempt to prevent charging the same PayPal account twice for the same service.
other2070PayPal Buyer Revoked Pre-Approved Payment AuthorizationThe customer revoked authorization for this payment method. Reach out to the customer for more information or a different payment method.
invalid2071PayPal Payee Account Invalid Or Does Not Have a Confirmed EmailCustomer has not finalized setup of their PayPal account. Reach out to the customer for more information or a different payment method.
invalid2072PayPal Payee Email Incorrectly FormattedCustomer made a typo or is attempting to use an invalid PayPal account.
invalid_verification2073PayPal Validation ErrorPayPal can't validate this transaction. Contact us for more details.
bank_decline2074Funding Instrument In The PayPal Account Was Declined By The Processor Or Bank, Or It Can't Be Used For This PaymentThe customer’s payment method associated with their PayPal account was declined. Reach out to the customer for more information or a different payment method.
bank_decline2075Payer Account Is Locked Or ClosedThe customer’s PayPal account can't be used for transactions at this time. The customer will need to contact PayPal for more information or use a different payment method.
invalid2076Payer Cannot Pay For This Transaction With PayPalThe customer should contact PayPal for more information or use a different payment method. You may also receive this response if you create transactions using the email address registered with your PayPal Business Account.
fraud2077Transaction Refused Due To PayPal Risk ModelPayPal has declined this transaction due to risk limitations. You'll need to contact PayPal’s Support team to resolve this issue.
invalid2079PayPal Merchant Account Configuration ErrorYou'll need to contact us to resolve an issue with your account. Once resolved, you can attempt to process the transaction again.
invalid2081PayPal pending payments are not supportedBraintree received an unsupported Pending Verification response from PayPal. Contact Braintree’s Support team to resolve a potential issue with your account settings. If there is no issue with your account, have the customer reach out to PayPal for more information.
invalid2082PayPal Domestic Transaction RequiredThis transaction requires the customer to be a resident of the same country as the merchant. Reach out to the customer for a different payment method.
invalid2083PayPal Phone Number RequiredThis transaction requires the payer to provide a valid phone number. The customer should contact PayPal for more information or use a different payment method.
invalid2084PayPal Tax Info RequiredThe customer must complete their PayPal account information, including submitting their phone number and all required tax information.
fraud2085PayPal Payee Blocked TransactionFraud settings on your PayPal business account are blocking payments from this customer. These can be adjusted in the Block Payments section of your PayPal business account.
limit_exceeded2086PayPal Transaction Limit ExceededThe settings on the customer's account do not allow a transaction amount this large. They will need to contact PayPal to resolve this issue.
invalid2087PayPal reference transactions not enabled for your accountPayPal API permissions are not set up to allow reference transactions. You'll need to contact PayPal’s Support team to resolve an issue with your account. Once resolved, you can attempt to process the transaction again.
invalid2088Currency not enabled for your PayPal seller accountThis currency is not currently supported by your PayPal account. You can accept additional currencies by updating your PayPal profile.
invalid_verification2089PayPal payee email permission denied for this requestPayPal API permissions are not set up between your PayPal business accounts. Contact us for more information.
limit_exceeded2090PayPal account not configured to refund more than settled amountYour PayPal account is not set up to refund amounts higher than the original transaction amount. Contact PayPal's Support team for information on how to enable this.
invalid2091Currency of this transaction must match currency of your PayPal accountYour PayPal account can only process transactions in the currency of your home country. Contact PayPal's Support team for more information.
invalid_verification2092No Data Found - Try Another Verification MethodThe processor is unable to provide a definitive answer about the customer's bank account. Please try a different US bank account verification method.
invalid2093PayPal payment method is invalidThe PayPal payment method has either expired or been canceled.
other2094PayPal payment has already been completedYour integration is likely making PayPal calls out of sequence. Check the error response for more details.
limit_exceeded2095PayPal refund is not allowed after partial refundOnce a PayPal transaction is partially refunded, all subsequent refunds must also be partial refunds for the remaining amount or less. Full refunds are not allowed after a PayPal transaction has been partially refunded.
other2096PayPal buyer account can't be the same as the seller accountPayPal buyer account can't be the same as the seller account.
limit_exceeded2097PayPal authorization amount limit exceededPayPal authorization amount is greater than the allowed limit on the order.
limit_exceeded2098PayPal authorization count limit exceededThe number of PayPal authorizations is greater than the allowed number on the order.
additional_verification_required2099Cardholder Authentication RequiredThe customer's bank declined the transaction because a 3D Secure authentication was not performed during checkout. Have the customer authenticate using 3D Secure, then attempt the authorization again.
other2100PayPal channel initiated billing not enabled for your accountYour PayPal permissions are not set up to allow channel initiated billing transactions. Contact PayPal's Support team for information on how to enable this. Once resolved, you can attempt to process the transaction again.
other2101-2999Processor DeclinedThe customer's bank is unwilling to accept the transaction. The customer will need to contact their bank for more details regarding this generic decline.
other3000Processor Network Unavailable – Try AgainThis response could indicate a problem with the back-end processing network, not necessarily a problem with the payment method. Have the customer attempt the transaction again – if the decline persists, contact us for more information.


CyberSource Decline Code Documentation

Sift Decline CategoryCodeNameDescription
invalid101DMISSINGFIELDDeclined - The request is missing one or more fields
invalid102DINVALIDDATADeclined - One or more fields in the request contains invalid data.
other104DDUPLICATEDeclined - The merchantReferenceCode sent with this authorization request matches the merchantReferenceCode of another authorization request that you sent in the last 15 minutes.
other110SPARTIALAPPROVALPartial amount was approved
other150ESYSTEMError - General system failure.
other151ETIMEOUTError - The request was received but there was a server timeout. This error does not include timeouts between the client and the server.
other152ETIMEOUTError: The request was received, but a service did not finish running in time.
invalid_verification200DAVSNOSoft Decline - The authorization request was approved by the issuing bank but flagged by CyberSource because it did not pass the Address Verification Service (AVS) check.
bank_decline201DCALLDecline - The issuing bank has questions about the request. You do not receive an authorization code programmatically, but you might receive one verbally by calling the processor.
expired202DCARDEXPIREDDecline - Expired card. You might also receive this if the expiration date you provided does not match the date the issuing bank has on file. Note: The ccCreditService does not check the expiration date; instead, it passes the request to the payment processor. If the payment processor allows issuance of credits to expired cards, CyberSource does not limit this functionality.
generic_decline203DCARDREFUSEDDecline - General decline of the card. No other information provided by the issuing bank.
insufficient_funds204DCARDREFUSEDDecline - Insufficient funds in the account.
lost_or_stolen205DCARDREFUSEDDecline - Stolen or lost card.
other207DCARDREFUSEDDecline - Issuing bank unavailable.
other208DCARDREFUSEDDecline - Inactive card or card not authorized for card-not-present transactions.
invalid_verification209DCARDREFUSEDDecline - card verification number (CVN) did not match.
limit_exceeded210DCARDREFUSEDDecline - The card has reached the credit limit.
invalid_verification211DCARDREFUSEDDecline - Invalid Card Verification Number (CVN).
other220DCHECKREFUSEDDecline - Generic Decline.
other221DCHECKREFUSEDDecline - The customer matched an entry on the processor's negative file.
other222DCHECKREFUSEDDecline - customer's account is frozen
invalid_verification230DCVSoft Decline - The authorization request was approved by the issuing bank but flagged by CyberSource because it did not pass the Card Verification Number (CVN) check.
invalid231DINVALIDCARDDecline - Invalid account number
invalid232DINVALIDDATADecline - The card type is not accepted by the payment processor.
other233DINVALIDDATADecline - General decline by the processor.
other234DINVALIDDATADecline - There is a problem with your CyberSource merchant configuration.
other235DINVALIDDATADecline - The requested amount exceeds the originally authorized amount. Occurs, for example, if you try to capture an amount larger than the original authorization amount.
other236DINVALIDDATADecline - Processor failure.
other237DINVALIDDATADecline - The authorization has already been reversed.
other238DINVALIDDATADecline - The transaction has already been settled.
other239DINVALIDDATADecline - The requested transaction amount must match the previous transaction amount.
invalid240DINVALIDDATADecline - The card type sent is invalid or does not correlate with the credit card number.
invalid241DINVALIDDATADecline - The referenced request id is invalid for all follow-on transactions.
other242DNOAUTHDecline - The request ID is invalid. You requested a capture, but there is no corresponding, unused authorization record. Occurs if there was not a previously successful authorization request or if the previously successful authorization has already been used in another capture request.
other243DINVALIDDATADecline - The transaction has already been settled or reversed.
other246DNOTVOIDABLEDecline - The capture or credit is not voidable because the capture or credit information has already been submitted to your processor. Or, you requested a void for a type of transaction that cannot be voided.
other247DINVALIDDATADecline - You requested a credit for a capture that was previously voided.
other248DBOLETODECLINEDDecline - The boleto request was declined by your processor.
other250ETIMEOUTError - The request was received, but there was a timeout at the payment processor.
limit_exceeded251DCARDREFUSEDDecline - The Pinless Debit card's use frequency or maximum amount per use has been exceeded.
other254DINVALIDDATADecline - Account is prohibited from processing stand-alone refunds.
risky400DSCORESoft Decline - Fraud score exceeds threshold.
invalid450DINVALIDADDRESSApartment number missing or not found.
invalid451DINVALIDADDRESSInsufficient address information.
invalid452DINVALIDADDRESSHouse/Box number not found on street.
invalid453DINVALIDADDRESSMultiple address matches were found.
invalid454DINVALIDADDRESSP.O. Box identifier not found or out of range.
invalid455DINVALIDADDRESSRoute service identifier not found or out of range.
invalid456DINVALIDADDRESSStreet name not found in Postal code.
invalid457DINVALIDADDRESSPostal code not found in database.
invalid458addressIDADDRESSUnable to verify or correct address.
invalid459DINVALIDADDRESSMultiple addres matches were found (international)
invalid460DINVALIDADDRESSAddress match not found (no reason given)
invalid461DINVALIDADDRESSUnsupported character set
additional_verification_required475DAUTHENTICATEThe cardholder is enrolled in Payer Authentication. Please authenticate the cardholder before continuing with the transaction.
invalid_verification476DAUTHENTICATIONFAILEDEncountered a Payer Authentication problem. Payer could not be authenticated.
risky480DREVIEWThe order is marked for review by Decision Manager
fraud481DREJECTThe order has been rejected by Decision Manager
other490Your aggregator or acquirer is not accepting transactions from you at this time.
other491Your aggregator or acquirer is not accepting this transaction.
additional_verification_required520DSETTINGSSoft Decline - The authorization request was approved by the issuing bank but declined by CyberSource based on your Smart Authorization settings.
risky700DRESTRICTEDThe customer matched the Denied Parties List
other701DRESTRICTEDExport bill_country/ship_country match
other702DRESTRICTEDExport email_country match
other703DRESTRICTEDExport hostname_country/ip_country match Decline Code Documentation

Sift Decline CategoryCodeNameDescription
other20001Refer to card issuer
other20002Refer to card issuer - special conditions
other20003Invalid merchant or merchant is not active
bank_decline20005Declined - Do Not Honour
invalid20006Error / Invalid request parameters
additional_verification_required20009Request in progress
additional_verification_required20010Partial value approved
invalid20012Invalid transactionThe issuer has declined the transaction because it is invalid. Usually this is owing to some incorrect/invalid format or field. The cardholder should contact their issuing bank.
invalid20013Invalid value/amountInvalid amount (currency conversion field overflow) or amount exceeds maximum for card program.
invalid20014Invalid card number
other20017Customer cancellation
other20018Customer dispute
other20019Re-enter transaction or transaction has expired
other20020Invalid response
other20021No action taken
other20022Suspected malfunction
other20023Unacceptable transaction fee
invalid20024File Update not supported by the receiver
other20025Unable to Locate Record on File
other20026Duplicate file update record
other20027File update field edit error
other20028File update file locked out
other20029File update not successful
other20030Format error
other20031Bank not supported by Switch
other20032Completed partially
limit_exceeded20038Allowable PIN tries exceeded
other20039No CREDIT Account
other20040Requested function not supported
other20042No universal value/amount
other20044No investment account
bank_decline20046Bank decline
insufficient_funds20051Insufficient funds
other20052No cheque account
other20053No savings account
expired20054Expired card
invalid_verification20055Incorrect PIN (invalid Amex CVV)
other20056No card record
other20057Transaction not permitted to cardholderIssuer has declined the transaction because the card cannot be used for this sort of transaction.
other20058Transaction not permitted to terminal
fraud20059Suspected fraud
other20060Card acceptor contact acquirer
limit_exceeded20061Exceeds withdrawal value/amount limitsOccurs if the defined amount is exceeded for the account or card.
risky20062Restricted cardA restriction is placed on the card at the cardholder (account) level and not at the BIN (product) level. For example, due to the card's country.
risky20063Security violation
risky20064Transaction does not fulfil AML requirementOccurs if any of the following are missing: Sender Reference Number, Sender Account Number, Sender Name, Sender Address, etc.
limit_exceeded20065Exceeds Withdrawal Frequency LimitOccurs if the defined withdrawal frequency limit has been exceeded.
risky20066Card acceptor call acquirer security
risky20067Hard capture - pick up card at ATM
other20068Response received too Late / Timeout
invalid_verification20075Allowable PIN tries exceeded
other20078Blocked card. First-time card usage.Occurs if the transaction was from a new cardholder and the card is blocked. The cardholder needs to unblock their card before retrying the payment.
other20082No security model
other20083No accounts
other20084No PBF
other20085PBF update error
other20086ATM malfunction / Invalid authorisation type
invalid_verification20087Bad track data (invalid CVV and/or expiry date)
other20088Unable to dispense/process
other20089Administration error
other20090Cut-off in progress
other20091Issuer or Switch is inoperative
invalid20092Financial institution not found
risky20093Transaction cannot be completed; violation of lawDue to government, central bank or financial institution agreement, laws or regulations, these types of transactions cannot be authorized.
other20094Duplicate transmission/invoice
other20095Reconcile error
other20096System malfunctionTransaction does not pass Issuer system checks on fields.
other20097Reconciliation Totals Reset
other20098MAC error
other20099Other / Unidentified responses
invalid_verification2006PCardholder ID verification failedCardholder could not be identified from their ID documentation as part of Know Your Customer (KYC) checks. The cardholder should contact their issuing bank to resolve.
invalid_verification200N0Unable to authorize
invalid_verification200N7Decline for CVV2 failure
additional_verification_required200O5Pin required
limit_exceeded200P1Over daily limit
limit_exceeded200P9Limit exceeded. Enter a lesser value.
other200R1Issuer initiated a stop payment (revocation order) for the Authorization
other200R3Issuer initiated a stop payment (revocation order) for all Authorizations
other200S4PTLF Full
other200T2Invalid transaction date
other200T3Card not supported
other200T5CAF status = 0 or 9
other20100Invalid expiry date format
other20101No account / No customer (token incorrect or invalid)
other20102Invalid merchant/Wallet ID
other20103Card type/Payment method not supported
other20104Gateway reject - invalid transaction
other20105Gateway reject - violation
invalid20106Unsupported currency
invalid20107Billing address is missing
bank_decline20108Declined - Updated cardholder available
other20109Authorization already reversed (voided) or capture is larger than initial authorised value
other20110Authorization completed
other20111Transaction already reversed
other20112Merchant not Mastercard SecureCode enabled
invalid20113Invalid property
invalid20114Invalid channel or token is incorrect
invalid20115Missing/Invalid lifetime
invalid20116Invalid encoding
invalid20117Invalid API version
other20118Transaction pending
invalid20119Invalid batch data and/or batch data is missing
invalid20120Invalid customer/user
limit_exceeded20121Transaction limit for merchant/terminal exceeded
invalid20123MISSING BASIC DATA: zip, addr, member
other20150Card not 3D Secure (3DS) enabled
invalid_verification20151Cardholder failed 3DS authentication
invalid_verification20152Initial 3DS transaction not completed within 15 minutes
invalid_verification201533DS system malfunction
additional_verification_required201543DS authentication requiredIssuer requests a non-3DS payment be resubmitted with 3DS authentication.
lost_or_stolen30004Pick up card (no fraud)The cardholder’s bank has declined the payment. The customer should call their issuing bank and ask why the transaction was declined. Once the issuing bank confirms that they will approve future attempts, try the transaction again.
lost_or_stolen30007Pick up card, special conditionsThe cardholder’s bank has declined the payment because they have detected fraudulent activity on the account. For a one-off transaction, do not attempt the transaction again, and, if possible, do not provide goods or services to the person attempting the transaction. For a recurring or scheduled transaction, it is possible that the card was flagged after the last successfully processed payment (or after the authorization for the scheduled payment). In that case, contact your customer for a new credit card number, or ask for a different form of payment. Replace the old account number on the schedule with the new account number.
invalid30015No such issuerThe card number entered is invalid because it does not start with a 3 (Amex), 4 (Visa), 5 (Mastercard) or 6 (Discover). Double-check the credit card number and try the transaction again with the correct number. We will usually flag this type of error before an authorization is attempted, but, in some rare cases (typically when there is an error with a payment import), this type of failure may occur.
other30016Issuer does not allow online gambling payoutIssuer does not allow online gambling payout.
other30017Issuer does not allow original credit transactionIssuer does not allow original credit transactions (OCTs) over Visa SMS. Only applies to OCTs.
other30018Issuer does not allow money transfer payoutIssuer does not allow money transfer original credit transactions (OCTs). Only applies to OCTs.
other30019Issuer does not allow non-money transfer payoutIssuer does not allow non-money transfer original credit transactions (OCTs). Only applies to OCTs.
invalid30020Invalid amountInvalid amount.
insufficient_funds30021Total amount limit reachedVolume limit reached on the account.
limit_exceeded30022Total transaction count limit reachedTransaction count limit reached on the account.
expired30033Expired card - pick upThe cardholder's bank has declined the payment because the card has expired.
lost_or_stolen30034Suspected fraud - pick upThe cardholder's bank has declined the payment because it suspects fraudulent activity on the account.
lost_or_stolen30035Contact acquirer - pick upThe cardholder’s bank has declined the payment.
lost_or_stolen30036Restricted card - pick upThe cardholder's bank has declined the payment because the card is restricted.
lost_or_stolen30037Call acquirer security - pick upThe cardholder’s bank has declined the payment.
lost_or_stolen30038Allowable PIN tries exceeded - pick upThe cardholder has exceeded the number of PIN entry attempts allowed by their bank.
lost_or_stolen30041Lost card - pick upThe cardholder’s bank has declined the payment because the card has been reported lost. For a one-off transaction, do not attempt the transaction again, and if possible do not provide goods or services to the person attempting the transaction. For a recurring or scheduled transaction, it is possible that the card was lost after the last successfully processed payment (or after the authorization for the scheduled payment). In that case, contact your customer for a new credit card number, or ask for a different form of payment. Replace the lost account number on the schedule with the new account number
lost_or_stolen30043Stolen card - pick upThe cardholder’s bank has declined the payment because the card has been reported stolen. For a one-off transaction, do not attempt the transaction again, and if possible do not provide goods or services to the person attempting the transaction. For a recurring or scheduled transaction, it is possible that the card was lost after the last successfully processed payment (or after the authorization for the scheduled payment). In that case, contact your customer for a new credit card number, or ask for a different form of payment. Replace the lost account number on the schedule with the new account number
risky30044Transaction rejected - AMLD5Transaction was initiated from an anonymous, non-reloadable prepaid card and for an amount greater than 50 EUR. Due to the AMLD5 directive, it cannot be fulfilled.
other30045Invalid payout fund transfer typeIf the fund transfer type is not among the list that was configured for allowed fund transfer types, the transaction would fail.
other30046Closed accountThe destination account is closed, and the transaction will never be approved, so do not reattempt the transaction. The cardholder must contact their issuing bank.
fraud40101Risk blocked transactionThe request was blocked by your risk settings.
risky40102Country not supportedThe country in which the shopper is located is restricted by your risk settings.
fraud40103Gateway reject - blacklist transaction cannot be processed - payment attributes in blacklistOne or more of the payment attributes has been blacklisted by your settings or our international blacklist database.
invalid_verification40104Gateway Reject - CVV is missing or incorrectPayment was voided after authorization because your configuration requires a CVV to be entered, but no CVV was provided with this payment, or the CVV was incorrect.
invalid_verification40108Gateway Reject - Post code failedThe card’s ZIP or postcode failed validation.
invalid_verification40109Gateway Reject - Missing required dataThe request is missing required data.
invalid_verification40110Missing 3DS data, or data is not correctThe request is either missing 3DS data or contains incorrect data.
invalid_verification40111Voided - AVS not matchedThe payment was voided after authorization by an Address Verification Service (AVS) risk filter which voids payments when the AVS returns a no match (AVS = N). The response_code will show 10000, but the response_summary will show 40111. See example.
fraud40131Mismatch - Shipping to billing shipping country does not match billing countryThe payment was declined because the shipping country does not match the billing country.
fraud40132Mismatch - Shipping to BIN shipping country does not match BIN countryThe payment was declined because the shipping country does not match the bank identification number (BIN) country.
fraud40133Mismatch - Shipping to IP Shipping country does not match IP countryThe payment was declined because the cardholder's IP address does not match the shipping country.
fraud40134Mismatch - Shipping country to phone (country)
fraud40135Mismatch - Billing to BIN Billing country does not match BIN countryThe payment was declined because the BIN country does not match the billing country.
fraud40136Mismatch - Billing to IP billing country does not match IP countryThe payment was declined because the cardholder's IP address does not match the billing country.
fraud40138Mismatch - BIN to IP Bin country does not match IP countryThe payment was declined because the cardholder's IP address does not match the BIN country.
fraud40139Mismatch - BIN country to phone (country)
risky40141 - 40149Threshold Risk
risky40150Card velocity - Daily - Approved only
risky40151Card velocity - Daily - All transactions
risky40152Card velocity - Weekly - Approved only
risky40153Card velocity - Weekly - All transactions
risky40154Card velocity - Monthly - Approved only
risky40155Card velocity - Monthly - All transactions
risky40160Email velocity - Daily - Approved only
risky40161Email velocity - Daily - All transactions
risky40162Email velocity - Weekly - Approved only
risky40163Email velocity - Weekly - All transactions
risky40164Email velocity - Monthly - Approved only
risky40165Email velocity - Monthly - All transactions
risky40170IP velocity - Daily - Approved only
risky40171IP velocity - Daily - All transactions
risky40181Verified Info - Email
risky40182Verified Info - Address
risky40183Verified Info - Proxy
risky40184Verified Info - IP country in high risk country
risky40185Verified info - shipping country in high risk country
risky40186Verified Info - Billing country in high risk country
risky40187Verified Info - BIN country in high risk country
fraud40201Gateway reject - card number blacklist
fraud40202Gateway reject - IP address blacklist
fraud40203Gateway reject - email blacklist
fraud40204Gateway reject - phone number blacklist
fraud40205Gateway Reject - BIN number blacklist
risky40210Bin Velocity - Daily - Approved Only
risky40211Bin Velocity - Daily - All transactions
risky40212Bin Velocity - Weekly - Approved Only
risky40213Bin Velocity - Weekly - All transactions
risky40214Bin Velocity - Monthly - Approved Only
risky40215Bin Velocity - Monthly - All transactions
risky40216Billing Address Line 1 Velocity - Daily - Approved Only
risky40217Billing Address Line 1 Velocity - Daily - All transactions
risky40218Billing Address Line 1 Velocity - Weekly - Approved Only
risky40219Billing Address Line 1 Velocity - Weekly - All transactions
risky40220Billing Address Line 1 Velocity - Monthly - Approved Only
risky40221Billing Address Line 1 Velocity - Monthly - All transactions
risky40222Shipping Address Line 1 Velocity - Daily - Approved Only
risky40223Shipping Address Line 1 Velocity - Daily - All transactions
risky40224Shipping Address Line 1 Velocity - Weekly - Approved Only
risky40225Shipping Address Line 1 Velocity - Weekly - All transactions
risky40226Shipping Address Line 1 Velocity - Monthly - Approved Only
risky40227Shipping Address Line 1 Velocity - Monthly - All transactions
risky40228CardHolder Name Velocity - Daily - Approved Only
risky40229CardHolder Name Velocity - Daily - All transactions
risky40230CardHolder Name Velocity - Weekly - Approved Only
risky40231CardHolder Name Velocity - Weekly - All transactions
risky40232CardHolder Name Velocity - Monthly - Approved Only
risky40233CardHolder Name Velocity - Monthly - All transactions
risky40234UDF1 Velocity - Daily - Approved Only
risky40235UDF1 Velocity - Daily - All transactions
risky40236UDF1 Velocity - Weekly - Approved Only
risky40237UDF1 Velocity - Weekly - All transactions
risky40238UDF1 Velocity - Monthly - Approved Only
risky40239UDF1 Velocity - Monthly - All transactions

Any questions? Contact our support engineers. We're happy to talk it through!